We are offering freighting and property management services to the Lake of The Woods and Winnipeg River area. Call us to discuss any services you may require including transport, removal, salvage or repair.
Following are examples of prices as a general guide, please use contact form for an estimate for your specific needs or phone Gerald-807 464 4173.
–Barge 20,000 lb. capacity 12 x 30 x 4 (includes operator)
175 Freighting (moving) 1 hour minimum
135 working, stationary, travel
–Landing Craft 1800 lb capacity 22.5 x 8 5 foot gate (includes operator)
150 Freighting (loaded) 1 hour minimum,
90 working, travel
–Bobcat 80
–Excavator 90
–Extra man hours (labour etc.) 40
–Welding / Red Seal Mechanic 85
note – all prices per hour and are before applicable taxes, If loading effort is needed (barge, landingcraft), it is extra, based upon each job requirement.